Frequently asked questions

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The digital document service currently provides more than 20 documents:  
•  ID card,
•  driver's license,
• birth certificate,
• vaccination passport,
• PCR test, etc.
The list is automatically replenished based on information received from the state database.

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To provide the "Digital Documents" service, you consent to receive information from the state database is required. To confirm your consent, you need to use a one-time password with a short code from 1414.

Only you can give permission and view your documents.

The document can be presented or shared at the place of demand.

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A legally compliant digital document has the same legal* effect as a paper document.

*According to "The Rules for Display and Use of Electronic Documents in the Digital Document Service".

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If you given permission to receive Digital Documents, but you do not see the full list of documents, the first step is to "Refresh" the page.

If after refreshing you do not see or do not see your documents correctly, please contact at 1414.

The bank provides you with the "Digital Documents" service only on the basis of your consent, from the state database.

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If you notice an error - for example, such as a different person's document or the wrong document you requested, you need to send an official request to the appropriate state agency to correct the error, or contact at 1414.

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