Frequently asked questions

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To date, in the Jusan Travel product, you can purchase tickets for domestic destinations. 

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On the results page, you can sort the most comfortable travel options for you by time, by cost.

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When buying tickets with any Jusan debit card, bonuses of 5% are charged. Bonuses are accrued 1 hour before the departure of the train.

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Yes, you can use bonuses for full or partial payment of tickets. 

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Junior under 7 travel by train free of charge without a separate seat. 
For junior from 7 to 15 years old there is a 50% discount on the adult ticket price.
For purchasing a junior ticket, you shall have an identity document for the child: birth certificate or passport. If a junior is not traveling with parents, you need to issue a power of attorney for accompaniment.

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All these passengers according to the rules of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy are entered in Cyrillic. 

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If you made an error on your railway ticket, refund your ticket at Jusan Travel.
You can do this in the "Tickets" section, select the required ticket and passenger and issue a refund.

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On the "Tickets" page, you can make all secondary operations "refund", "exchange" or share the ticket.

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The refund amount depends on the time left until departure and the train type.
Refunds for unused passenger train tickets:

• no later than 24 hours before the train departure, you you shall be refunded the full ticket price*;
• less than 24 hours, but no later than 6 hours before the train departure, you shall be refunded 50% of the cost;
• less than 6 hours before departure and no later than 1 hour after the train departure — you shall be partially refunded the ticket cost, no more than 30%;
• 1 hour after train departure, no money is refunded.

* When making a refund, commission charge by the partner is possible.

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Yes, bonuses will be refunded to your bonus account.

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