April 7, 2023
InfrastructureInfrastructure of Kazakhstan: modernization or repair
Jusan Analytics team has analyzed the situation with the current state of the basic infrastructure in the country. Thus, more than 75% of the existing infrastructure needs replacement or reconstruction.

Housing Stock
According to official statistics, the volume of new housing has increased this year. It was explained more in our news digest. But the state of the housing stock is still at an unappropriated level despite the commissioning of new housing, the introduction of state programs to support housing construction and mortgage lending.
30% of single-family houses and apartment buildings were built more than 50 years ago, before the 1970s. And more than 1,900 residential buildings are in ultimate state limit, while about 30 thousand people live in them.
In general, the provision (the ratio of the housing stock area equipped with various types of improvements in the entire housing stock area) with water supply is 98%, sewerage – 74%, central heating – 44%, central hot water supply – 38%, and gas – 86%.
The length of motorways is 96 thousand km in Kazakhstan: roads of international and national significance account for 25 thousand km, and 71 thousand km of regional and district significance. The share of standard-compliant roads is 91% and 85%, respectively. These are relatively good figures, but there are some new challenges ahead.
This year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is planning to repair more than 11 thousand km of highways, bringing the share of standard-compliant roads to 92% and 87%, respectively.
The situation is worse with networks. The total length of electric networks is 467 thousand km:
27 thousand km of transmission and 274 thousand km are networks of regional grid companies. The average level of their wear is 65%, but it reaches above 80% in some regions.
The total length of heat supply networks in two-pipe is 12,681 km, 3,033 km (24%) of which are worn-out, and 3,214 km (25%) need urgent replacement.
The length of water supply networks is 98 thousand km, and sewerage networks are 17 thousand km. 19% and 40% of them need general repairs or replacement, respectively.
The degree of wear of sewage treatment plants averages 60% and it is up to 90% in some places.
The average CHP equipment wear in Kazakhstan is 66%, and the average age of boilers and turbines is 61 years. For now, 37 CHPs are operating in the country, and according to the degree of wear 19 of them are in the red zone (ultimate state limit) and 11 are in the yellow zone.
The highest level of wear is in Uralsk, Stepnogorsk, Taraz, Kyzylorda and Kentau cities, which more than 80%.
Ayat Suraganov
Senior AnalystApril 7, 2023
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