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Schedule of reception of individuals and representatives of legal entities for the 4th quarter

Full name of the person conducting the reception of citizensPosition of the person conducting the reception of citizensDate of receptionTime of receptionAddressContact numbers
Gulmira Janibekovna DzhumadillayevaChairman of the Management BoardEvery last Friday of the month17:00-18:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Alan Yerikovich JabayevDeputy Chairman of the Management Board - Chief Financial OfficerEvery last Friday of the month15:00-16:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Yermek Yesbolovich ArginovDeputy Chairman of the Management BoardEvery last Wednesday of the month 12:00-13:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

 7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Shiddat Zhamalbekovich ShermatovDeputy Chairman of the Management BoardEvery last Monday of the month17:00-18:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Sharaf Ibragimovich Aliyev (Problem loans)Managing Director Every first Tuesday of the month 17:00-18:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Daniyar Akatuly Kukanov (Problem loans)*Director of the Problem Loan Collection Department Every first Tuesday of the month 17:00-18:00242, N. Nazarbayev ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

Gulnara Orazalyevna Balakhmetova 
(Corporate and medium business issues) 
 Managing Director Every first Tuesday of the month 17:00-18:0017D Syganak str., Astana

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (7172) 770 855 

Dinara Rakhimovna Kombayeva 
(Retail and Volume Business) 
 Managing DirectorEvery last Monday of the month 17:00-18:0036 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty

 7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11 

Aida Serikovna Koibakova 
(Retail and Volume Business)** 
 Director of Customer Care DepartmentEvery last Monday of the month 17:00-18:004V block, 15 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty

7711 call from mobile,

+7 (717) 258 77 11

* for the period of absence of Sh.I. Aliyev, Managing Director 
** for the period of absence of D.R. Kombayeva, Managing Director

1) reception of citizens, their representatives, representatives of legal entities by the management of the Bank shall be held by prior appointment, which shall be made not later than 2 (two) business days prior to the date of the next reception, by the indicated telephone numbers;

2) reception of citizens (their representatives) by the Chairman of the Management Board in the areas of issues (retail and Volume Business, corporate and medium business, problem loans) is carried out only after personal reception of a citizen (his/her representative) by the Managing Director/Director in the area of the issue, is carried out by appointment, which is carried out not later than 2 (two) business days before the date of the next reception, with sending materials to e-mail Customer_request@jusan.kz for familiarization.