From 1 January 2023, the Jusan Card Bonus Program will change
Dear Jusan cardholders!
From 1 January 2023, the conditions for moving to «Gold» and «Premium» levels* of the Bonus Program on your Jusan cards will change. Bonus Program levels from February (and onwards) will be set if the following conditions are met in January (and onwards in the billing period):
- «Gold» level - when the amount of purchases at POS-terminals and/or in the Internet (ecom) environment exceeds 70 thousand tenge per month (equivalent in foreign currency);
- «Premium» level will be awarded if 2 conditions are met:
- when the amount of purchases at POS-terminals and/or in the Internet (ecom) exceeds 120 thousand tenge per month (equivalent in foreign currency),
- existence of deposit** (or several deposits) in total amount not less than 500 000 (five hundred thousand) tenge or equivalent in foreign currency (the Bank rate is used for calculation)
* to find out more about the benefits of each level of the Bonus Program, see in the "Overview" section
** open a "Jusan deposit" easily online in the Jusan mobile app in any of 4 currencies (KZT/USD/EUR/RUB) with an annual effective interest rate of up to 15.5% on tenge deposits. All deposits are insured up to 10 million tenge with a minimum initial deposit/non-reducible local currency balance of 1,000 tenge.
*** having a daily balance(s) at the end of the Bank's business day in bank deposit(s) (term and savings only) opened with the Bank. Therefore, from 1 January 2023 (onwards), the condition of having a brokerage account with Jusan Invest or Jusan Garant insurance will be waived to determine the Premium bonus level in February (onwards).
Example: Client opened a deposit for 500,000 tenge on 30 December and did not withdraw money from it throughout the month of January. In this case, the Client will be assigned a Premium level on the card for February (subject to simultaneous fulfilment of the purchase amount of 120,000 tenge or more in January). If the balance falls below 500,000 tenge by the end of any day in January (e.g. after withdrawal of 50,000 tenge on 15 January, the balance will be 450,000 tenge), then the Client will not be able to enjoy Premium Level in February.
From 1 February, the number of increased bonus categories to choose from and the conditions for awarding bonuses in the categories with increased bonus levels will also change:
- “Taxi” category increases bonus from 5% to 7%.
- • 2 new categories with increased bonus level are added to choose from: "Children products" (MCC 5641, 5945) and "Pet" (MCC 0742, 5995) with 5% bonus rate.
- "Cafes and restaurants" category is split into 2 different categories to choose from: "Cafes and restaurants" (for physical access to restaurants, cafés, etc.) and "Food delivery" (courier delivery of food from restaurants and cafés with payment of the order online (e-com purchase), MCC 5812, 5814) with 5% bonus rate.
- "Beauty salons, Cosmetics" category will have 5% bonus rate.
For more information on the changes, please see the new version of the Bonus Program rules for private individuals:
1. Rules of the Bonus Program for individuals (in force from 01.01.2023)
2. Appendix 1 to the Rules of the Bonus Program (in force from 01.02.2023)