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The Head of Jusan Bank Was One of the Leading Nobel Fest Speakers

In Astana, the V Nobel Fest forum brought together laureates of the prestigious award, young scientists and students from six countries of the world.

At the meeting, experts shared their research in economics and sustainable development. Nurdaulet Aidossov, CEO at Jusan Bank, spoke about the global economy prospects in the coming years, naming multiple signs of an upcoming global recession.

‘Inflation is high. It was 8.2% in September in the US. This is the highest indicator in the recent 40 years. All this adversely affects the purchasing power. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan imports a lot, so the inflation growth even in the United States affects our economy. In 2022, the US FRS raised the rates five times. The monetary policy is toughening. The National Bank of Kazakhstan also raised the rates. This suggests that the time for cheap money is over. Companies will no longer be able to be financed at the same level. This can therefore lead to a debt crisis. The situation is non-standard!’ said Nurdaulet Aidossov. 

By the way, this forum not only allowed young scientists from Kazakhstan to communicate with Nobel laureates, but also demonstrate their scientific research. More than 1,000 people took part in the forum in a hybrid format, some scientists from Kazakhstan received slots for the VI Nobel Festival to be held in Pakistan.