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Jusan Bank Commented the Message on Imposing Restrictions on Shares

As previously stated in the release of the RoK General Prosecutor's Office, a civil lawsuit was filed against one of the Jusan Group structures with standard procedures and some legal proceedings, including temporary blocking of FHS shares.

The bank press service emphasises that the civil lawsuit concerns exclusively the foreign shareholders of the Bank and shall neither affect the Bank nor its operations, nor any relationships with partners or international correspondent banks, nor international payment systems. Therefore, the bank is operating as usual with no restrictions.

Jusan Bank is not a direct or indirect defendant or a party to the lawsuit, and therefore cannot be subject to any sanctions.

Jusan Bank and its assets are located in Kazakhstan, the bank is one of the most reliable, dynamically developing and financially stable STBs in the RK. 

The Bank and its main shareholders are residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The financial institution complies with all the requirements of the regulator and national laws. That is why the Prosecutor General's Office, in its message on the lawsuit against the Jusan Group, highlighted that Jusan Bank operations are not the subject of this trial:


Jusan Bank shall proceed operating as usual, all obligations to clients shall be performed. The RoK financial regulator also confirmed that the financial institution is sound and that it complies  with all legal requirements and prudential ratios:
