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Jusan Bank announced changes in management.

Jusan Bank announced changes in management

Board of Directors of First Heartland Jusan Bank JSC (hereinafter - the Bank) on February 28 decided to terminate the powers of Arman Mangitov, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank, from March 1.

Galimzhan Yessenov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank, thanked Mr. Mangitov for his work.

"In a critical period for the Bank, Mr. Mangitov was invited to the Bank on a temporary basis with a technical mission to ensure the stability of the Bank's operations, to identify promising areas of activity in the medium term. I would like to thank him for successful fulfillment of the set goals and wish him success in his new career", - commented Galimzhan Yessenov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

At the same time it was decided to temporarily assign the duties of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank to Alan Jabayev, who holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Financial Director.



Media office: press-service@jusan.kz