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Jusan Contributes to Digitalisation in Kazakhstan

Jusan has become a partner of the Digital Almaty international forum, the largest Tech event bringing together the IT community, startups, international experts and government agencies on one platform.

The forum participants demonstrated their technological developments, spoke about the current digital trends both at the business level and at the level of urban space and the state.

Digitalisation for Jusan is a resource that the group is constantly developing and integrating into its products for the retail and business segments, including banking. To be closer to clients, Jusan Bank has created a digital ecosystem that combines services and products, helping to make the life of Kazakhstanis more comfortable. Thus, using the Jusan app, one can not only open a deposit, get a loan or a credit card, buy an insurance certificate or invest in Kazakhstani or foreign securities. In a few taps, one can purchase various food products, clothes, air tickets, as well as run a business, perform export-import operations, currency exchange and conduct online accounting in the Jusan Business application for entrepreneurs.

One of the fields where digital solutions are also being actively introduced is insurance. At the forum, as part of the ‘Insurance Market Development via Digital Solutions,’ panel session, Abai Yegemberdiyev, the CEO of Jusan Garant, shared his successful experience. He spoke about the digitalisation level of insurance services at the company.

‘Compulsory insurance certificates in Kazakhstan, including ours, can be purchased online on the website or in a mobile application. For example, a compulsory car owner civil liability insurance certificate. We can also offer clients individual conditions for rates. In general, one can get any certificate through the marketplace: for those traveling abroad, property insurance, buy insurance that can cover the insured’s costs in case of an accident, and motor own damage. All these purchases can be made easily, in a few taps,’ notes Abai Yegemberdiyev.

The Bank intends to continue supporting activities that improve the quality of business through digitalisation and bring it to a new level.

Source: Kapital.kz