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Loan for individuals from Jusan Bank recognized as the best in the market

Jusan Bank became the winner in the nomination “The best loan product for individuals” within the framework of PLUS Galaxy Award Almaty 2024. The jury members analyzed similar offers in the market and in this category online loan from Jusan Bank was the best in terms of terms, convenience and speed of processing.

The bank is constantly working on improving its services and products. For several months, the retail lending team has been redesigning the loan process to make the interface as easy and simplified as possible, leaving more space and only useful information for the client for quick and comfortable loan processing.

The team paid special attention to the stage of offering alternative solutions, where the bank offers loan processing options depending on the credit scoring solution. This is an increase in the term, reduction of the amount or, on the contrary, an opportunity to issue a larger amount, if the client's solvency allows it,

explained Irina Puzan, Lead Product Owner at Jusan Bank.

Also, the bank has introduced external refinancing as an alternative solution for online loans, which has no analog in the market of Kazakhstan. Now the bank is less likely to refuse a client, offering to refinance loans in other banks, and to receive an additional loan amount within one application.