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Message from the Chairman of the Board Aibek Kayip to the clients of Jusan Bank

Dear Clients,

The year did not start out well. We have witnessed dramatic and momentous events which will undoubtedly become part of the new history of Kazakhstan. I am sure that there is no one among us who is indifferent to all that has happened. 

Jusan Bank team stayed on top of the security of your funds and successfully ensured their safety despite the rapid development of threatening events and physical turmoil. During the first days of January our services, branches and ATMs were disrupted for reasons beyond our control, Jusan Bank was among the first banks in Kazakhstan to restore mobile services in order to provide you with access to your funds on our cards and accounts. The current situation and the events preceding it did not affect the financial stability of the bank, its services and planned strategic development plan.

During the state of emergency, we still recommend that you manage your finances from the comfort of your own home through our online services:

On behalf of the bank I would also like to apologise if you did experience any inconvenience. You can always rest assured that our top priorities are safeguarding your funds and ensuring your safety when you visit our branches. These are the most important and unquestionable priorities for us in all crisis situations. 

To date, our branches and offices are gradually reopening throughout Kazakhstan. There are still some limitations in their opening hours and the range of services available, which are due to external factors and will be resolved in due course. We kindly ask you to be sensitive to these restrictions. Please enquire about availability at 7711 if you are planning to visit a branch. We are always available!

Together we are able to cope with any difficulties - we successfully passed the coronavirus pandemic crisis by uniting under the slogan "#БізБіргеміз". Today, it's #КүшімізБірлікте. Both are about unity, the power of cohesion, a positive attitude and faith in our common bright future. That is why our bank has decided that during the state of emergency no penalties and fines will be charged to all our clients who have defaulted on their loans. We also stand in solidarity with businesses that suffered losses during the turmoil and, if necessary, are ready to put our partner's shoulder to the wheel together with our entrepreneurial clients to find optimal and mutually beneficial solutions. 

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding and assure you that Jusan Bank has been and will remain a reliable financial partner. Stay with us! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!


Regards, Aibek Kaiyp,

Chairman of the Management Board of Jusan Bank