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Approval of amendments to the bank deposit Contracts for corporate clients

Jusan Bank would like to inform about approval of amendments to the bank deposit Contract for legal entities, representative offices and branches of a legal entity/individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without creating a legal entity/private notary/private bailiff/peasant (farm) holdings/lawyers/professional mediators (resident/non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan), to the Conditional Bank Deposit Agreement of a legal entity (its branches and representative offices), individual entrepreneur, to the Agreement on Opening a Savings Account under the Deposit Guarantee and Pledge of the Rights of the Depositor-Mortgagee, that become effective from August 23, 2023.

It is possible to become acquainted with amendments on website of the Jusan Bank in BUSINESS section.

For all questions, please, contact by tel. 8 800 080 25 25 (free call using landlines); 7711 (free call using mobile phone).

Sincerely yours, Jusan Bank