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New blocking sanctions

Dear clients!

Please be advised of the newly imposed U.S. sanctions prohibitions and restrictions (OFAC SDN): 
1. Russian Regional Development Bank JSC (RRDB);
2. Russian Standard Bank JSC;
3. Russian Regional Bank CB PJSC;
4. Absolute Bank JSCB PJSC;
5. Blank Bank LLC;
6. HKF Bank LLC;
7. Post Bank JSC;
8. Sistema PJSFC;
9. Saint Petersburg Exchange PJSC 
From 03.11.2023 Jusan Bank JSC ceases to execute all types of transactions with the above mentioned banks and organizations.

We recommend to amend the agreements and specify correspondent accounts of Jusan Bank JSC with other correspondent banks in respective currencies.
The list of recommended correspondent banks is available on the website of Jusan Bank JSC at the address: https://jusan.kz/bank-correspondent

Jusan Bank JSC