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On closure of current bank accounts

Dear clients!

“Jusan Bank” JSC (hereinafter – the Bank) on this occasion would like to express you its respect and thank for the vote of confidence from you.
This notification (hereinafter – the Notification) is addressed to the clients who are the legal entities (their branches and representative offices), the individuals, performing the entrepreneurship activity, practice of law, private notarial activity, private enforcement officer’s activity, professional mediator’s activity as well as peasant (farm) enterprises without establishing the legal entity.
In accordance with Clause 1 of Article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Payments and Payment Systems” (hereinafter – the Law) the closure of the client’s bank account shall be achieved based on the client’s application form or individually by the bank in cases of expiration or refusal to perform the Bank Account Contract in the procedure provided for in Article 29 of the Law.
Pursuant to Sub-clause 1) of Clause 1 of Article 29 of the Law, the bank shall be entitled to refuse to perform the Bank Account Contract (close current bank account) in case of absence of money on the client’s bank account more than one year.
Clause 7 of Article 29 of the Law stated that in the absence of money on the client’s bank account the Bank shall terminate the Bank Account Contract and close the bank accounts at the end of three (3) months from the date of notification on refusal to perform the Bank Account Contract. 
In  view of aforesaid standards of the Law, the Bank, hereby, informs you on closure of current bank accounts, including current accounts whereon the transactions are reflected using the payment cards (on refusal to perform the above indicated Contracts), for which the balance amounts to zero (0) for the period exceeding the last twelve (12) months and whereon the balance will be absent for further three (3) months from the day of publication of the Notification.

Sincerely yours,
“Jusan Bank” JSC