Оn a change of the details for payments/transfers in ATFBank
Dear clients,
Starting from 01.04.2022, “Jusan Bank” JSC will stop to effect payments and (or) transfers for crediting funds, received in favor of the Bank’s clients with indication of the details of “ATFBank” JSC (BIC/SWIFT ALMNKZKA) in connection with an exclusion of the details of “ATFBank” JSC from a directory of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a deactivation in a payment system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and SWIFT.
With a view to ensuring continuous and uninterrupted effecting payments and (or) transfers, we kindly ask you to inform the counterparties about a need to use the following Bank’s details:
“First Heartland Jusan Bank” JSC
BIN: 920140000084
Beneficiary code:14
Sincerely yours,
“Jusan Bank” JSC