Уважаемые клиенты! Уведомление о режиме работы отделений Банка в выходные и праздничные дни (*для шести дневной рабочей недели)
The Jusan Bank team congratulates you on the upcoming New Year holidays!
Please take into account the information about the work schedule of our branch over the coming weekends and holidays:
• December 29 / Friday – full working day, except for the cash desk (until 14:00), Central Bank – full day.
• December 30 / Saturday – part-time, in consultation format until 14:00 (no cash desk),
• December 31 / Sunday – day off,
• January 01 / Monday – New Year, public holiday, day off,
• January 2/Tuesday - New Year, public holiday, day off,
• January 7/Sunday – Christmas, holiday, day off.
If necessary, you can contact Bank branches with special operating hours on holidays (full information on the website jusan.kz, call center 7711).
On other days our branch will operate as usual.
To use bank services anywhere and without time limits, install the Jusan mobile application!
If you have any questions, please call 7711 from your mobile phone - we will always be happy to help you with advice or consultation!
With best regards and best wishes,
Your Jusan Bank.