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On temporary blocking of Nostro accounts in RUB at Raiffeisenbank JSC (Russian Federation)

Dear Clients!

We would like to inform you about the temporary blocking of the correspondent account of Nostro in RUB in the bank of Raiffeisenbank JSC (Russian Federation) starting from 01.08.2022:

  1. No. 30111810500000000029


Instead of the above account, we recommend using a correspondent account in RUB at UniCredit Bank JSC No. 30111810000013231283

Requisites of UniCredit Bank JSC:


BIC: 044525545

TIN: 7710030411

RRC: 770401001

c/a of UniCredit Bank JSC in the Main Department

of the Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District

No. 30101810300000000545

An additional notification will be sent when the account is reopened


Jusan Bank JSC