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Notification of the necessity to indicate the License number in the payment documents according to the notification from the Agency

            Dear clients, The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market (hereinafter - the Agency) reports the following:
At the request of the shareholder Bereke Bank JSC (former name of SB Sberbank JSC) represented by Baiterek NMH OFAC on October 04, 2022 additional License No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2022-947557-2 was issued, which extends the validity of transactions with SB Sberbank JSC on the earliest of the dates: the date of completion of authorized transactions or December 31, 2022.
           The list of transactions conducted for the purpose of completing transactions involving Sberbank of Kazakhstan under the additional issued License (including unauthorized transactions) is identical to the corresponding list of transactions set forth in OFAC General License No. 26A dated May 05, 2022 and in effect until July 12, 2022, also License No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2022-947557-2 dated July 11, 2022.
          Additionally, the License provides that any transfer of funds through the U.S. financial system must include a reference to the License number.
         In this regard, in order to avoid blocking the transaction or refusal to perform the transfer when making transfer and payment transactions, it is necessary to indicate in the payment documents the number of the License according to the notification from the Agency.

Regards, Jusan Bank JSC