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Notification on unilateral refusal from execution of the Bank Service Contracts for the individuals as to servicing the savings accounts, on demand accounts

Dear individual clients!

“Jusan Bank” JSC would like to inform you that in accordance with the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (clause 1 of article 29 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On payments and payment systems”), the Bank is entitled to refuse from execution of the Bank Deposit Contract in cases of absence of money on the client’s bank account of more than one year as well absence of money movement on the client’s bank account of more than one year.

In a view of aforesaid, the Bank, hereby, would like to inform you on closure starting from 01.05.2025 (during May 2025), savings accounts and on-demand accounts, opened within the Complex Contract (for the accounts of “Jusan Bank” JSC) and the General terms of rendering by “AT Bank” JSC the bank services and other services to the individuals (for the accounts of “ATFBank” JSC) unilaterally for which money was absent for more than one year and there was no money movement on the account.