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Notification of Unilateral Abandonment of Performance under Business Client Banking Service Agreement and Closure of Inactive Client Accounts

Dear Clients!

Jusan Bank JSC shall hereby inform you that in line with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Clause 1 of Article 29 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Payments and Payment Systems’), the Bank may abandon performance under a bank account agreement (business client banking service agreement) in cases if there are no funds and/or movement of funds on a bank account of a client for more than a year.

In view of the above, you are informed that the Business Client Banking Service Agreement shall be unilaterally terminated (in terms of current bank account opening, maintaining and closing conditions), and that the current accounts (including the current accounts using payment cards) opened with Jusan Bank JSC with no funds or movement of funds for more than a year shall be closed. The current account shall be closed after three (3) months from the date of sending thins Notification.