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Notification of Unilateral Withdrawal from Savings Account Services Agreements for Individuals

Dear individual clients! 

Jusan Bank AS hereby informs you that according to the terms and conditions of the agreements concluded between the Bank and the Client (Depositor), the Bank has the right to close the savings account unilaterally in cases when the minimum balance of the Deposit is breached due to the claims (instructions) of third parties to the Deposit. Considering the above, hereby the Bank hereby notifies you on closing savings accounts starting from 04.02.2023 (within a month), opened under Comprehensive Individual Banking Agreement (for accounts of Jusan Bank JSC) and the General Terms and Conditions of Providing Banking and Other Services to Individuals by ATFBank JSC (for accounts of ATFBank JSC) unilaterally, for which the amount of minimum balance of deposit is violated due to execution of claims (instructions) of third parties to the deposit.