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Notification of unilateral withdrawal from individuals' current account service agreements

Dear individual clients!

“Jusan Bank” JSC would like to inform you that in accordance with the legislation of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan (clause 1 of article 29 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
“On payments and payment systems”), the Bank is entitled to repudiate the Bank Account 
Contract in cases of lack of money on the client’s bank account beyond one year, as well as 
absence of money movement on the client’s bank account beyond one year (except for the 
accounts, intended for accrual of the allowances, social payments, paid from the state 
budget and (or) the State Social Insurance Fund).
In view of the above, the Bank hereby notifies you of termination of Personal Current 
Account Agreement effective 01.10.2023 (within October 2023) of the Comprehensive 
Retail Banking Agreement (within current accounts opened with Jusan Bank JSC from 29 
April 2019), the Bank Account Agreement with an individual and the Current Account and 
Payment Card Issuance Agreement with an individual (within current accounts opened with 
ATF Bank JSC from April 2014) regarding unilateral maintenance of current accounts 
(including current accounts with a payment card) and closing current accounts (including 
current accounts with a payment card) where no money has been available for more than 
one year and there has been no movement on the account.