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Dear Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC! The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC on May 02, 2023

The full name and location of the executive body: The Management Board of First Heartland Jusan Bank Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter – Jusan Bank JSC), A26F8T9, 242 Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue, Medeu district, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Jusan Bank JSC hereby informs the shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC on holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC on May 02, 2023 at 12 PM Almaty time at the address: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Avenue, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The above meeting shall be convened at the initiative of the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC and held in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies”

The agenda of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders has been prepared by the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC and contains the following issues: 

  1. On the approval of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC.
  2. On the approval of the audited annual financial statements of Jusan Bank JSC for 2022.
  3. On the approval of the procedure for distributing the net income of Jusan Bank JSC for the reporting financial year 2022, adoption of a decision to pay dividends on common shares, and approval of the amount of dividend per one common share of Jusan Bank JSC.
  4. On the consideration of information on the amount and composition of remuneration of the Members of the Board of Directors and the executive body of Jusan Bank JSC.
  5. On the consideration of information on the appeals of shareholders to the actions of Jusan Bank JSC and its officials and the results of their consideration.
  6. On the approval of the Rules for incurring expenses related to the performance of the Members of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Board of Directors. 
  7. On the payment of non-fixed remuneration to the Members of the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC.

Shareholders may get familiar with the materials on the agenda issues by receiving them from S. Ganiyeva (e-mail: s.ganieva@jusan.kz) at the address: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Avenue, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, office 462. 

The date of compiling the list of shareholders entitled to take part in the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC and vote in it is April 22, 2023 (00 hours 00 minutes).

The start time of registration of the participants of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC is 11:30 AM Almaty time.

The completion of registration of participants of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC shall be carried out 5 (five) minutes prior to the start of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

In the absence of a quorum, the adjourned Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC shall be held on May 03, 2023 at 12 PM Almaty time at the address: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Avenue, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The procedure for holding the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders shall be carried out according to Article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies”.

The decisions shall not be adopted by absentee voting. 

Legal entity shareholders participating in the meeting must submit the application form on the compliance by their shareholders (participants) regarding the registration country of their shareholders (participants) with the requirements of part one of clause 5-1 of Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Banks and Banking Activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The application form is published on the corporate website of Jusan Bank JSC: https://www.jusan.kz/.

Shareholders and attorneys must have an ID/a passport on hand, and attorneys must also have a power of attorney with the right to participate and vote in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.