Dear Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC!
The Management Board of First Heartland Jusan Bank Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter – Jusan Bank JSC) located at: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, hereby informs the shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC on holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC on October 24, 2022 at 12.00 Almaty time at the address: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The meeting is convened at the initiative of the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC and is held in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint Stock Companies” and “On Banks and Banking Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders is prepared by the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC and contains the following issues:
“1. On the approval of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC;
2. On the determination of the audit organization to audit the separate and consolidated financial statements of Jusan Bank JSC for 2022;
3. On the approval of the revised Charter of Jusan Bank JSC.”
The materials regarding the Agenda’s issues the shareholders may receive for acquaintance at the address: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, office 462, S. Ganieva (e-mail:
The preparation date of the shareholder list who have the right to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC is October 14, 2022 (00 hour 00 minute).
Registration of the participants of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be executed 30 (thirty) minutes prior to its beginning.
Ending of registration of the participants of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC will be executed 5 (five) minutes prior to the beginning of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders.
In case of absence of the Quorum the repeated Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC will be held on October 25, 2022 at 12.00 Almaty time at the address: A26F8T9, 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The procedure of holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be executed according to article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint Stock Companies”.
The decisions will not be adopted by absentee voting.
The shareholders are the legal entities, participating in the meeting, have to submit the application form on compliance with the requirements of the first part of clause 5-1 of article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Banks and Banking Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan” by their shareholders (participants) regarding the registration country of their shareholders (participants). The application form is posted on the corporate website of Jusan Bank JSC:
It is necessary to carry ID card/Passport, the fiduciaries must have the Power of Attorney for participation in the meeting with the vote right.