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For the Attention of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC!

First Heartland Jusan Bank Joint-stock Company (the “Jusan Bank JSC”) located at: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall hereby notify the shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC of postponing the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC (the “EGMS”) scheduled for October 24, 2022, at: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan, to October 28, 2022, at 12:00, at: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the agenda shaped as per decisions of the Board of Directors of Jusan Bank JSC dated September 23, 2022 (Minutes No. 23/09/22-01) and dated October 06, 2022 (Decision No. 06/10/22-01). If not held as scheduled, the adjourned EGMS shall be held on October 29, 2022, at 12:00.

1) full name and location of the executive body of the company: the Management Board of First Heartland Jusan Bank Joint-stock Company located at: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) information on the initiator of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company: the Board of Directors;
3) date, time and venue of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company: October 28, 2022, at 12:00, at: 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
the meeting participants may be registered: thirty (30) minutes before the meeting commencement;
date and time of the adjourned General Meeting of Shareholders of the company that shall be arranged for if the first meeting is not held: October 29, 2022, at 12:00;
4) date of drawing a list of shareholders entitled to participate to the General Meeting of Shareholders: October 14, 2022 (00:00);
5) agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company:
1. On Approving the Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Jusan Bank JSC;
2. On Selecting the Separate and Consolidated Financial Reporting Audit Services Entity of Jusan Bank JSC for 2022;
3. On Approving the Charter of Jusan Bank JSC in the New Wording;
4. On Approving the Procedure for Distributing Net Income of Jusan Bank JSC, Adopting a Decision to Pay Dividends on Ordinary Shares and Approving the Dividend Amount Per Ordinary Share of Jusan Bank JSC.
6) procedure for informing the company shareholders of the agenda matters of the General Meeting of Shareholders:
The shareholders may obtain the agenda matters at: Room 462, 242 Nazarbayev Ave., Almaty City A26F8T9, the Republic of Kazakhstan, please appeal to S.G. Ganiyeva (e-mail: s.ganieva@jusan.kz);
7) proceedings of the General Meeting of Shareholders:
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held in line with Article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Joint-stock Companies;’
8) absentee voting procedure: no absentee voting decisions shall be adopted;
9) statutory provisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company: the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Joint-stock Companies’ and ‘On Banks and Banking Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.’

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