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Jusan creates new attractions

The bank continues history of the Almaty art canvas from Jusan, in other regions of the country. A new mural appeared on building of the K. Stanislavsky theater in Karagandy. Now the once abandoned place has transformed into a youth art object, where residents of the city come to relax and take pictures. Not only artists, but also public utilities worked on this project, equipping territory of the theater. 

The project was implemented jointly with public figure, Irina Kharitonova, and the city administration. Talented artists of Karagandy, as well as a team of street artists and graffiti, Repas, participated in process of creating the mural. 

Similar colorful objects from Jusan will appear in other cities of Kazakhstan. Jusan is committed to supporting the talented youth of Kazakhstan, and such projects are one of the ways to develop the creative economy. Synergy of theatrical and graffiti arts not only made the old building a new attraction, but also made the walls of K. Stanislavsky theater a symbol of cross cultures of different generations.