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20 January 23


Megatrends 2050

Our world is in constant movement and transformation: economic cycles come and go, and technologies develop replacing each other. In a cascade of changing events, we do not notice how many things that once seemed incredible are now familiar and ordinary.

Despite the multidirectional nature of the events taking place in the world, they are all on the trajectory of large-scale megatrends. We have analyzed a large amount of information, and various studies and have determined that newsworthy megatrends are caused by economic prerequisites, the technology development level and the needs of people.

We have concluded that drastic changes will occur soon while studying how the world is developing now. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent geopolitical confrontations have already launched the inevitable process of curtailing the second era of globalization. Transit years of high turbulence and uncertainty are coming to us, and they will set out a new chapter in mankind’s development.

We have identified 7 main directions in which there will be significant changes in the next 30 years – megatrends of the new era.

  1. Energy. Humanity will almost fully abandon fossil fuels.
  2. Mobility. Transport will gradually become autonomous.
  3. Deglobalization and the economy. Globalization will continue, but in the other form.
  4. Banking World. Banks will be forced to change their business models: build ecosystems, rent and lease infrastructure.
  5. Communication and virtualization. The borderland between the real and virtual worlds will almost be gone, and metaverses will become an integral part of human life.
  6. Biorevolution. Bioengineering will be doubled down on to solve medical issues.
  7. Man 2.0. People will become much hardier and smarter and live longer than they do now.

One-off Researches

Global EconomicsJusan Analytics