Product details
Card type | Mastercard Debit Platinum |
Validity | 5 years |
Card currency | By default in 3 currencies: KZT, USD, EUR. |
Possiblity to add the RUB currency in the Jusan mobile application. | |
Bonuses | The amount of the bonus depends on the level - Silver, Gold or Premium:
Categories are activated for free. You can manage categories and check and spend bonuses in the Jusan mobile application. Detailed information on the conditions of bonus accrual can be found here More information about changes in the Bonus Program (from 01.01.2023) |
Card issue fee | 0 tenge |
SMS notification fee in the first year | 0 tenge |
In the 1st year of service | 0 tenge |
In the 2nd and subsequent years of service | 0 tenge (for a card without the plastic)/200 tenge per month |
Crediting money to the card | 0 tenge |
Cash withdrawal |
Money transfers to another payment card/account opened with the Bank | 0 tenge |
PayWave / Contactless | Yes |
3D Secure | Yes |