Voice Assistant

OGO loan

Online application in the Kcell/Activ app

Product details

Requirements for borrowers

For individuals: residents of the RoK aged between 18 to 70 on the date of loan processing



Loan аmount

From 30 000 to 8 000 000 tenge

Loan term

3 months to 5 years

Interest rate

from 23% to 44% per annum** (EAR* - from 25.9% up to 56% per annum)

Application method

In the Kcell/Activ mobile app


Not required

Moratorium on early repayment

None, no penalties


Not required

Organisation fee


Amount of penalty for violation of obligations to repay loan amount and (or) pay loan interest rate

Within 90 (ninety) days late payment - 0.5% (zero point five percent) of the amount of the overdue payment for each day of delay, but not more than 10% (ten percent) of the amount of the loan issued for each year of the bank loan agreement. After 90 (ninety) days of delay, the penalty is not charged.

EAR* - Annual effective remuneration rate
** - Rate was approved by the decision of the Management Board of the Bank dated 15.02.2024 (Minutes № 19-24)