The following types of account restrictions are available:
• If there are overdue loan arrears in both Jusan Bank and other STB of the RK, a payment order will be issued to the account/s to collect the overdue amount.
• By bailiffs (PB/SB) based on a bailiffs order by imposing ban on use of the account(s).
• In case of debts, the tax authority will issue an order to suspend debit transactions on the account(s).
• A collection order to withdraw funds from the account(s) in pursuance of orders from the PB/SB and the tax authority without consent
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You can find interested information by:
• Receiving a Push notification in the Jusan mobile application,
• Contacting the Call-center of the Bank by tel. 7711 (toll-free for mobile) or +7 7172 587 711 (from outside the Republic of Kazakhstan),
• Contacting a branch of the Bank.
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If money in the account has been arrested by a private bailiff, the arrest will remain in force until Jusan Bank receives from the bailiff an order to cancel the seizure or after the Bank executes the collection order submitted in fulfilment of the previously arrested money in the account.
After receiving of the cancellation order, transactions in the account will be available at the latest within three working days from the date of receiving by the Bank of the cancellation order.
Upon issuing a payment request from Jusan Bank for the funds in the account, the payment request will be withdrawn by Jusan no later than one transaction day following the day of receipt of full payment of the debt amount.
Upon issuance of a payment request from STB of the RK for funds in the bank account at Jusan Bank, restrictions on the account will be removed by Jusan Bank no later than one transaction day following the day of receipt of withdrawal of the payment request.
Upon issuance of an order to suspend debit transactions is issued by the state revenue authority (tax authority), restrictions on the account will remain in force until revocation is received, and transactions on the account will be available within three working days.
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If you have loan arrears, in accordance with the laws of Kazakhstan, Jusan Bank will issue a payment request to your accounts at Jusan Bank as well as to your accounts in other STB of the RK to write off money in favour of the overdue loan arrear.
Money can be written off up to 50% of the amount in the account and/or each amount thereafter received in the account without waiting for the full amount specified in the payment request.
At the same time, the amount of money remaining in the account must be at least twice the subsistence minimum (92 456 tenge for 2025).
You may use the remaining balance at your own discretion.
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When overdue loan arrears arise, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Jusan Bank issues payment requests to accounts in other STBs of the RK to write off money to repay overdue debts of client to Jusan Bank.
At the same time, the bank executing Jusan Bank's payment request executes an instruction to withdraw money, which means conduction of a chargeable transaction with a fee.
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Bailiff - a state bailiff (PB) and a private bailiff (PB) performing the functions assigned to them by law for the execution of enforcement documents, herewith:
Private bailiff - a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who has a higher legal education, has received a license as a private bailiff and joined the Republican Chamber of PB.
State bailiff - an official who is in the public service.
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In accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a bailiff, in order to execute enforcement document, is obliged to arrest the property (including money) of the debtor with the sanction of the prosecutor.
At the same time, the bailiff has the right to simultaneously arrest all property belonging to the debtor (including money) in the amount to be collected.
Arrest of the debtor's money consists of imposing a ban on the use and disposal of the debtor's money held in the STB of the RK for which a decision is made to seize the property (money) of the debtor.
Arrest of the money in the Bank account is imposed for debt under the executive document, including the executive sanction, the costs of execution and payment for the activities of the PB.
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A Collections Order (CO) is a payment document for withdrawing money from the client's (sender's) bank account without the customer's consent.
The state revenue authorities and bailiffs can issue a collection order
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According to the valid legislation of the RK, the state revenue authority (tax authority) has the right to suspend debit transactions on bank accounts.
The reason for this is an OSDT, which is sent to the STB of the RK in the case of:
• non-payment of tax debts;
• failure to allow officers of the tax authority to carry out tax audits and inspect taxation and/or tax-related facilities, except for violations of the procedure for tax audits set by the Tax Code
• existence of arrears on compulsory pension contributions
• existence of arrears on obligatory professional pension contributions;
• on other bases stipulated by the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Yes, because the Children's Card account is opened in the name of the parent/guardian.
If there are arrests or restrictions on the right to dispose of money on the card, all cards and accounts at the Bank will be blocked, as required by law of the RK
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The money in the social card account:
• for crediting of benefits and social payments paid from the state budget and (or) the State Social Insurance Fund, housing payments are not subject to arrest and other restrictions.
• arrest is possible for alimony payments (except for payment requests from the second-tier banks, in case of violation of terms of the bank loan agreement).
• for pension accrual any kind of arrests and restrictions are possible.
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According to the current legislation of the RK, in case of non-fulfillment of obligations to state bodies or banks, third parties, pension payments may be arrested and can be subject to other restrictions (payment requests, collection orders, etc.).
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If there is an arrest or other restrictions on operations on existing accounts, You can open social payment cards in a Bank branch:
• for alimony (money intended for the maintenance of minors and disabled adult children);
• for the state benefits, social payments paid from the state budget and (or) the State Social Insurance Fund.
In other cases when there are restrictions, opening the new account is not allowed.
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Yes, you can use the card, if the money on the card exceeds the amount of the arrest or other restrictions.
If restrictions were imposed without specifying the amount, then any spending, unfortunately, is prohibited.
Important: If there is an arrest or other restrictions on the account, paying with bonuses in the Jusan mobile application, is not available.
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No. Closing an account is available only if there are no restrictions or arrests on the account.
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Yes. You can top up a deposit that has been arrested or restricted.
Deposit replenishment is possible in several ways:
• At a branch of Jusan Bank,
• In the terminals of Kassa 24, Yurta - without commissions,
• By transferring "between your accounts" in the Jusan mobile application.
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Yes. In accordance with the terms stipulated by the bank deposit agreement, Jusan Bank will continue to accrue interest rates on the deposit.
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