Frequently asked questions

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The card can not be closed in the following cases:
• if the account is arrested or other restrictions are imposed, the closure of the card will become available only after the removal of encumbrances from the account;
• if there is an unpaid debt on the card (overdue/receivable, including accrued commissions and/or other debts), the closure of the card will become available only after repayment of the debt;
• if the card account is linked to the valid deposit agreement, the card closure will become available after the expiration of the agreement;
• if the card account is linked to the valid loan agreement (the repayment of the monthly loan payment is carried out through a payment card), the card closure will become available after the complete fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement;
• if you have a card with credit limit which was issued by ATFBank;
• if there are blocked* amounts on the account, card closure will become available only when there are no blocked amounts. 
*When conducting debit transactions (payment for goods and services, receiving cash and etc.), the Bank "blocks" the transaction amount, that means, the Bank excludes it from the amount of available funds until it receives confirmation of the transaction. The term of blocking the amount is no more than 30 calendar days from the date of blocking.

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You can close the payment card in the Jusan mobile application on your own (section «Bank» -> «Payment cards» -> «Close the card»).
Before closing the card, please make sure to comply with the following conditions:
• no blocked amount on the card;
• no unpaid debt on the card;
• no arrest on the account;
• the card account is not linked to the valid deposit agreement;
• the card account is not linked to the valid loan agreement (the repayment of the monthly loan payment for the debt can not be carried out through closed payment card).

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