Frequently asked questions

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Jusan saving+ deposit  can be opened by individuals - residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the age of 14 and older. 

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It is possible to open Jusan saving+ deposit  in the Jusan mobile appliation or at the Bank branch if you have a multicurrency Jusan card.

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The Jusan saving+ deposit can be opened in tenge and US dollars.
Deposit interest rate:
• in tenge - 15.0 % (up to 16.1 % of AEIR);
• in dollars - 1.0 % (up to 1.0 % of AEIR).

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Deposit placed for 6 months.

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The minimum amount for opening the deposit  - 10 000 tenge or 20 USA dollars. 

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Jusan saving+ is an object of guaranteeing deposits of individuals in the amount of up to 20,000,000 tenge, in foreign currency: up to 5,000,000 tenge.

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Replenishment is provided taking into account maximum deposit amount. It is possible to top up a deposit both in cash and non-cash way.

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The deposit is subject to a monthly payment to a savings account (capitalization), with income tax withheld, if such withholding is provided for by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Partial withdrawal is not provided for this category of deposit.

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If the deposit is not withdrawn by the client at the end of the deposit period, automatic prolongation of the deposit is provided. Unlimited number of times for the same term at the remuneration rates in force on the date of extension, subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Complex agreement of Banking Services for the Individual.

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Early termination is provided in accordance with the restrictions established in the  Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
•  You can receive money not earlier than 30(thirty) calendar days after notifying the Bank  about early termination of your deposit  by submitting  an application at the Bank branch.
•  In this case during 30(thirty) calendar days after submitting an application about the early termination of the deposit:
-  accrual of renumeneration does not stop;
-  Depositor can apply to  the cancellation of application about the early termination of the deposit at the Bank branch;
- If Depositor does not cancel the application about the early termination of the saving deposit , on the 31 (thirty first) calendar day savings accout will be closed. The accrued renumenaration from the date of opening/the  date of last prolongation will be recalculated accordint to the "On demand" rate effective at the Bank on the date of deposit termination,  deposit amount with  recalculated renumeneration will be transferred to the current account using a payment card.  

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On the date of expiry of the deposit, it is necessary to contact the Bank's branch or submit an application for closing the deposit in the mobile application. If you close the deposit on the maturity date you will receive deposit amount + the accrued interest amount for the deposit period. If you apply on the day following the deposit maturity date, conditions of early termination will be applied.

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