Gold bars
The Bank offers gold bars issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK) in the following sizes: 5 g, 10 g, 20 g, 50 g and 100 g.
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Gold bars can be purchased by both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the presence of an identity document. For citizens of the RK it can be an identity card or passport of a citizen of the RK, and for foreign citizens - a passport of a foreign citizen or a residence permit in the RK.
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• Reliability - gold retains its value
• Investment benefit - protection against inflation
• High liquidity - possibility to sell at any time
• Diversification of assets - risk reduction
• Convenient storage - takes up little space
• Status gift - can be inherited
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Purchase or sale of gold bars is carried out in VIP centers and Premium offices of the Bank. To do this, please contact your personal manager.
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Buy-back is possible only if the integrity of the protective packaging is preserved, as it is a quality certificate.
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Up-to-date prices You can see:
• On the official website of the Bank:
• At your personal manager
• By contacting the Bank's Call-center by tel. 7711 (free call from mobile phones) or +7 7172 587 711 (if you are outside the Republic of Kazakhstan)
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Yes, but only if the necessary volume of ingots is available at the cash desk of the Bank. If you need to order ingots, you must deposit the amount to your account in advance at the exchange rate on the day of the request (since the purchase of ingots will be carried out only under the order of the client).
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Waiting is connected with the process of ordering and delivery of ingots from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which may take some time.
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No, the Bank sells only ingots of the National Bank of the RK.
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According to the Decree of the President of the RK No. 830 dated March 14, 2022, it is prohibited to export from the RK:
• Affined gold in bars of 5 g, 10 g, 20 g, 50 g, 100 g
• Investment coins “ALTYN BARYS” (gold) and “KÚMIS BARYS” (silver) issued by the NBRK
• Affined gold over 100 g
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Yes, if you sell gold bars with an increase, i.e. if the sale price exceeds the purchase price, the difference is considered as taxable income. According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the tax on such income is paid independently.
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Gold bars can be given as gifts and no documents are required. However, for repurchase in the Bank it is necessary to keep their protective packaging.
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No, the maximum size of bullion is 100 g.
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