Frequently asked questions

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A social network for investors in the application Jusan Investments. Users who already have an account in the Jusan Investments can read posts and comments, participate in discussions and interact with other investors. Here they share their trading experience and results, describe and test their trading strategies, as well as develop a personal brand. Users can post posts and comments, subscribe to the profiles of other investors to follow their posts and improve financial literacy.

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To publish a post, click on the + icon in the top navigation on the Radar tab. Write the text of the future post. If you want, you can attach an image to the text and mention the asset ticker. When you are done, click "Send" at the top of the screen — the post will appear in your profile. You can also write and publish a post from your Profile page. Go to the Profile page, click on the "Write something" button.

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You can delete, edit or comment with a link to your post. To do this, click on the three dots in the right corner of the post in the "Publications" section and select the desired action. If the post was published more than 7 days ago, it can no longer be edited. Comments are closed for editing. This is done to ensure that the exchange of opinions in Radar is honest and transparent: editing older publications opens up opportunities for deception.

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User posts can be found in several places:
• in the "Subscriptions" or "All" tab at the top of the screen;
• in the "Radar" tab in the paper card: click on the ticker (short name) or asset widget under the post to which it is attached → click on the "Radar" tab;
• directly in the profile of a specific user. Publications are located right under the profile statistics.

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