Frequently asked questions

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To check for tax debts, go to the "Taxes" section. In case of existing tax debts, you will see the amount of the debt, purpose and status.

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If the service of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan works correctly, the amount from the Bank is received within 10 minutes from the moment payment is made.

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In this case, you need to contact the tax authority, where you can apply for:
• refund of an erroneously made payment*;
• сredit against future payments or other tax arrears*. 
* Be sure to specify the requisites of the bank card or account to which you want to return the money/from which the future payment will be made.

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Payment is made within 10 minutes. If the debt is not repaid after 1 day or more, you need to contact the tax authority in your region.

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