Multicurrency card Jusan & Shymbulak can be opened by individuals - residents aged 18 years and older in the Jusan mobile application.
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Benefits of the Jusan & Shymbulak card :
• The ability to instantly open a Jusan & Shymbulak card in the Jusan mobile application ;
• Card issue is free of charge;
• Contactless payment Apple Pay/Samsung Pay/Google Pay/QR;
• 10% guaranteed bonuses for transactions within the territory of Shymbulak Mountain Resort;
• Up to 25% bonuses under the Jusan loyalty program;
• Parking with 15% discount
• Free access to the Mastercard lounge.
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Jusan & Shymbulak cardholders will receive 10% guaranteed bonuses for transactions within the Shymbulak Mountain Resort.
Jusan & Shymbulak cardholders are provided with 3 levels of bonuses according to the Jusan loyalty program .
The first level Silver up to 0.5% bonuses, the second level Gold up to 1% bonuses and the third level Premium up to 2% bonuses. Also the Jusan loyalty program provides increased bonuses of up to 25% for purchases in the Jusan app , as well as purchases in selected categories.
The Bonus Level is assigned automatically based on the results of non-cash transactions of the previous month, every month before the 1st day.
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Jusan & Shymbulak card in several ways:
• By transferring funds to a card or account;
• At the Jusan Bank branch;
• cash-in function (without plastic, by entering the IIN number or mobile phone number of the recipient).
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Cash withdrawal from Jusan & Shymbulak digital card is possible:
• Through the “Withdrawal by code” function* at Jusan Bank ATMs;
• At the Jusan Bank branch;
• At ATMs of other banks in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan using NFC technology** (if the ATM is technically capable).
*To use the “Removal by code” function, you must:
• In the Jusan app, go to the “Translations” section
• Select the “Removal by code” button
• Enter the amount to withdraw
• Confirm the transfer via SMS
• You will receive an SMS code for withdrawing funds from Jusan Bank ATMs
• Maximum amount for 1 withdrawal is 300,000 tenge
• Maximum withdrawal amount per day is 1,500,000 tenge
**NFC — Near Field Communication. How to use NFC technology:
• You need to add the card to Apple Pay , Samsung Pay , or to Google Pay
• Take a smartphone with NFC support, enable this option on your smartphone
• Make sure the ATM supports NFC
• Attach your smartphone
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Jusan & Shymbulak card details are displayed in the Jusan mobile application in the “My Bank” section, then “Details”.
You can also find out the details by calling the Bank's Call Center at 7711 (free call from mobile phones) or +7 7172 587 711 (if outside the Republic of Kazakhstan), or by contacting a Bank branch.
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Jusan & Shymbulak card is a three-digit code to confirm the authenticity of the card. CVV/CVC data is displayed in the section "My Bank", then "Details".
CVV/CVC is used when making purchases on the Internet and is confidential information, therefore the Bank strongly recommends not to disclose CVV/CVC data to third parties, even if they represent themselves as Bank employees.
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There are two ways to obtain an extract:
• In the Jusan mobile application, you can download the statement by selecting the “Download PDF” function;
• By contacting the nearest branch of Jusan Bank .
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• From a Jusan & Shymbulak card to another card/account opened in the Bank – no commission;
• From a Jusan & Shymbulak card to a card of another Bank in the Republic of Kazakhstan - 0.5%, min. 250 tenge (limit for 1 transaction - 1,000,000 tenge);
• From salary Jusan & Shymbulak card to a card of another Bank in the Republic of Kazakhstan - 0.2%, min. 200 tenge (limit for 1 transaction - 1,000,000 tenge);
• From Jusan & Shymbulak card to a card of another Bank outside the Republic of Kazakhstan - 1%, min. 1000 tenge (limit for 1 transaction - 1,000,000 tenge).
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Receiving cash from Jusan & Shymbulak card :
• At Jusan Bank ATMs up to 300,000 tenge per month without commission;
• At ATMs of other banks in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan per month up to 200,000 tenge (inclusive) - no commission, over 200,000 tenge - 1% of the amount;
• At ATMs of banks outside the Republic of Kazakhstan - 1% + 1000 tenge.
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In case of a dispute over a card in an ATM, you need to call the Bank's Call Center at 7711 (free call from mobile phones) or +7 7172 587 711 (if outside the Republic of Kazakhstan), or contact a branch of Jusan Bank with a statement, where you need to indicate the address and name of the Bank to which the ATM belongs. Your application will be reviewed within no more than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of application to the Bank, and no more than 45 (forty-five) calendar days from the date of receipt of such an application in case of using a payment card outside the Republic of Kazakhstan. The term for reviewing and preparing a response to the application is made within the timeframes established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rules of payment systems (Mastercard).
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Jusan & Shymbulak card yourself using the Jusan mobile application (section “My Bank” -> “Payment cards” -> “Close card”) or at a Bank branch.
Before closing your card in the Jusan mobile app, please make sure that the following conditions are met:
• there are no blocked amounts on the card;
• there is no outstanding debt on the card;
• there is no arrest on the account;
• the card account is not linked to an existing deposit agreement;
• the card account is not linked to an existing loan agreement (i.e. repayment of the monthly loan payment is not made through the closed payment card).
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The card cannot be closed in the following cases:
• if an account is subject to arrest or other restrictions, closing the card will only be possible after the encumbrances are removed from the account;
• if there is an outstanding debt on the card (overdue/accounts receivable, including accrued commissions and/or other debts), closing the card will only be possible after the debt is paid off;
• if the card account is linked to a valid deposit agreement, closing the card will become available after the expiration of the agreement;
• if the card account is linked to a current loan agreement (the monthly loan payment is made through a payment card), the card can be closed after the obligations under the loan agreement have been fully fulfilled;
• if there are blocked* amounts on the account, closing the card will only be possible if there are no blocked amounts.
*When carrying out expenditure transactions (payment for goods and services, receiving cash, etc.), the Bank "blocks" the transaction amount, i.e. excludes it from the amount of available funds until the Bank receives confirmation of the transaction. The period of blocking the amount is no more than 30 calendar days from the date of blocking.
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Jusan & Shymbulak virtual card can be reissued independently via Jusan mobile application (section “My Bank” > “Payment cards” > “Reissue card”).
Virtual card reissuance is carried out for the following reasons:
• Expiration date;
• On client's initiative.
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• Upon expiration – 0 tenge;
• On client's initiative, before expiration – 1000 tenge.
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• In case of reissuance upon expiration, the card is reissued with the same number, but with a new expiration date.
• In case of reissue at the initiative of the Bank (in case of detection of mechanical damage of plastic / chip on the card, as well as in case of suspicion of compromising personal data) and in case of reissue at the initiative of the client, before expiration / to replace the lost / stolen card is reissued with a new number, with a new validity period.
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Information about card expiration can be seen in Jusan application, in “My Bank” > “Card details” section
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