Frequently asked questions

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It is possible to make an international SWIFT transfer at the Bank branch.

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There are no restrictions when transferring from the bank account, without opening a bank account – in Russian rubles, Kyrgyz som. 

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The full list of countries for international SWIFT transfer can be viewed on the website (Services-Money transfers), or call the Call-center of Jusan Bank at 7711 (free call from mobile phones).

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The time for receiving an international SWIFT transfer is within 3 working days.

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Within 180 calendar days (in the Republic of Kazakhstan), outside the Republic of Kazakhstan-according to the legislation of the country of receipt.

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For transfers without opening a bank account-no more than 10,000 US dollars (the equivalent of this amount in Russian rubles). There are no restrictions on transfers from a bank account.

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The commission for an international SWIFT transfer is paid only by the sender.

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Receiving an international SWIFT transfer with a notarized Power of attorney is available only if the transfer was made from/to the bank account.

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Depending on the legislation of the country of the recipient of the transfer.

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It is possible to send/receive an international SWIFT transfer to/from a legal entity and an individual.

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